Monday, March 5, 2007

Mr IP Address

The upgrading work for Covalentia Portal is pretty much done. However, if you encounter any error or missing links, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at I plan to add more features, but that can wait. I still have other things to work on, especially the Danial Portal (a local cartoon series in Malaysia, please tune in to RTM 1 every Tuesday at 7:00 PM GMT +8).

Now, I received a lot of errors from this guy, Mr. IP Address If you do a look-up here, you'll find that he's from Alma, Michigan. And I can't seem to reproduce these errors. The portal is working absolutely fine on my laptop. So, what could go wrong? What exactly is going on here? What version of IE or Firefox is Mr. IP Address is using? My outlook is clogged with e-mails (error log) because Mr. IP Address doesn't seem to wanna stop browsing Covalentia.Net Portal over and over again (man, he must love this site so much), even as we speak. Well, I don't mean to be rude (no pun intended), but for the love of Mother of Ganja, could you please tell us what you really are doing oh dear Mr. IP Address so that I could fix these errors? Sometimes, the IP Address changes to something else like,,,,, and so on. Anybody?

But, if you're a web crawler, hmm, well then just forget about it :)

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