Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Microsoft AJAX RC

It took me 3 to 4 hours to migrate the old Atlas codes to AJAX RC. There were some issues with the Menu and Tabs, but I managed to fix them. The CollapsiblePanel doesn’t seem to work properly with FireFox if the direction property is set to horizontal. I’ve posted this problem at the CodePlex’s issue tracker. A few other important things to note:
  • AjaxToolkit extender and its target control must be located under the same update panel
  • JavaScript: Type.registerSealedClass is no longer supported and has been changed to Type.registerClass
  • JavaScript: Sys.TypeDescriptor.addType is no longer needed
  • Timer.tick has been changed to Timer.Tick
  • JavaScript: $(‘’) has been changed to $get(‘’)
  • Web Service: The following attribute must be added to any web service class so that it can be called by AJAX:
  • For the rest, follow this guide
I hope I’ve not missed anything. I should have jotted down everything.

After migrating the codes, I did some changes to the Sub-Tabs to make use of the AJAX DropDownList. I will upload a new Release Candidate soon (RC 2). It will include supports for the PostgreSQL database as well. So stay tuned ;)

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